<body> <div id="game" style="position:relative"></div> </body> /** * js配置 */ var config = { width: 300, height: 300, img: "./img/fj.jpg", gameDom: document.getElementById("game"), row: 3, //3行 col: 3 //3列 } //经过计算的一些数据 var computed = { num: config.col * config.row, //方块数量 w: config.width / config.col, //每个小方块的宽度 h: config.height / config.row //每个小方块的高度 } //方块对象的数组,每个对象中记录了方块的正确坐标、当前坐标、dom元素、以及一些实用方法 var blocks; /** * 为全局变量blocks赋值 */ function setBlocks() { blocks = []; var points = getPointsArray(); //该数组用于设置每个方块的正确坐标 var shuffledPoints = [...points]; //复制后的数组用于在洗牌后设置方块的当前坐标 shuffle(shuffledPoints);//洗牌 for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { const point = points[i]; //创建方块对象 var b = { left: point.left, top: point.top, curLeft: shuffledPoints[i].left, curTop: shuffledPoints[i].top, dom: document.createElement("div"), update() { this.dom.style.transition = "all .5s"; this.dom.style.left = this.curLeft + "px"; this.dom.style.top = this.curTop + "px"; }, isCorrect() { return this.curTop === this.top && this.curLeft === this.left; }, isEmpty: i === points.length - 1 //是否应该是空白方块 } b.dom.style.width = computed.w + "px"; b.dom.style.height = computed.h + "px"; b.dom.style.position = "absolute"; b.dom.style.border = "1px solid #fff"; b.dom.style.boxSizing = "border-box"; b.dom.style.background = `url("${config.img}")`; b.dom.style.cursor = "pointer"; b.dom.style.backgroundPosition = `-${b.left}px -${b.top}px`; b.dom.block = b; b.dom.onclick = function () { switchBlock(this.block); } b.update(); blocks.push(b); } } /** * 生成游戏 */ function generateGame() { config.gameDom.style.width = config.width + "px"; config.gameDom.style.height = config.height + "px"; config.gameDom.style.border = "2px solid #8c8c8c"; config.gameDom.innerHTML = ""; //清空区域 for (const item of blocks) { if (!item.isEmpty) { config.gameDom.appendChild(item.dom); } } } /** * 获得所有方块的可取到的坐标数组 */ function getPointsArray() { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < computed.num; i++) { arr.push({ left: (i % config.col) * computed.w, top: parseInt(i / config.col) * computed.h }); } return arr; } /** * 将某个block对象的坐标,与空坐标交换 * @param {*} block */ function switchBlock(block) { //找到空坐标 var emptyBlock = blocks.find(b=>b.isEmpty); //判断是否相邻 if(Math.abs(block.curLeft - emptyBlock.curLeft) + Math.abs(block.curTop - emptyBlock.curTop) !== computed.w){ return; } //交换 var bLeft = block.curLeft; var bTop = block.curTop; block.curLeft = emptyBlock.curLeft; block.curTop = emptyBlock.curTop; emptyBlock.curLeft = bLeft; emptyBlock.curTop = bTop; block.update(); emptyBlock.update(); if(isWin()){ setTimeout(() => { alert("游戏胜利") }, 500); } } /** * 数组洗牌 * @param {*} arr */ function shuffle(arr) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { var targetIndex = getRandom(0, arr.length - 1); var temp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[targetIndex]; arr[targetIndex] = temp; } } function getRandom(min, max) { var dec = max - min; return Math.floor(Math.random() * dec + min); } /** * 游戏是否胜利 */ function isWin() { for (const b of blocks) { if (!b.isCorrect()) { return false; } } return true; } setBlocks(); generateGame();
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