#coding=utf-8 #!/usr/bin/env python """ convert image to pdf file """ #Author: mrbeann import os import sys import glob import platform from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter, A4, landscape from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Image from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab import rl_settings from PIL import Image import importlib,sys #importlib.reload(sys) #sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") def topdf(path,recursion=None,pictureType=None,sizeMode=None,width=None,height=None,fit=None,save=None): """ Parameters ---------- path : string path of the pictures recursion : boolean None or False for no recursion True for recursion to children folder wether to recursion or not pictureType : list type of pictures,for example :jpg,png... sizeMode : int None or 0 for pdf's pagesize is the biggest of all the pictures 1 for pdf's pagesize is the min of all the pictures 2 for pdf's pagesize is the given value of width and height to choose how to determine the size of pdf width : int width of the pdf page height : int height of the pdf page fit : boolean None or False for fit the picture size to pagesize True for keep the size of the pictures wether to keep the picture size or not save : string path to save the pdf """ if platform.system() == 'Windows': path = path.replace('\\','/') if path[-1] != '/': path = (path + '/') if recursion == True: for i in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, i))): topdf(path+i,recursion,pictureType,sizeMode,width,height,fit,save) filelist = [] if pictureType == None: filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.jpg')) else: for i in pictureType: filelist.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.'+i))) maxw = 0 maxh = 0 if sizeMode == None or sizeMode == 0: for i in filelist: im = Image.open(i) if maxw < im.size[0]: maxw = im.size[0] if maxh < im.size[1]: maxh = im.size[1] elif sizeMode == 1: maxw = 999999 maxh = 999999 for i in filelist: im = Image.open(i) if maxw > im.size[0]: maxw = im.size[0] if maxh > im.size[1]: maxh = im.size[1] else: if width == None or height == None: raise Exception("no width or height provid") maxw = width maxh = height maxsize = (maxw,maxh) if save == None: filename_pdf = path + path.split('/')[-2] else: filename_pdf = save + path.split('/')[-2] filename_pdf = filename_pdf + '.pdf' c = canvas.Canvas(filename_pdf, pagesize=maxsize ) l = len(filelist) for i in range(l): (w, h) =maxsize width, height = letter if fit == True: c.drawImage(filelist[i] , 0,0) else: c.drawImage(filelist[i] , 0,0,maxw,maxh) c.showPage() c.save() def main(): topdf(u'F:/gitplace/jpg2pdf/test',pictureType=['png','jpg'],save='F:/gitplace/jpg2pdf/test/新建文件夹') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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