1. 日志输出到屏幕
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.NOTSET, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logging.debug('This is a debug message.') logging.info('This is an info message.') logging.warning('This is a warning message.') logging.error('This is an error message.') logging.critical('This is a critical message.')
默认的 level 是 logging.WARNING,低于这个级别的就不输出了。如果需要显示低于 logging.WARNING 级别的内容,可以引入 logging.NOTSET 级别来显示。
DEBUG - 打印全部的日志。详细的信息,通常只出现在诊断问题上。
WARNING - 打印 WARNING、ERROR、CRITICAL 级别的日志。表明一些问题在不久的将来,这个软件还能按预期工作。
ERROR - 打印 ERROR、CRITICAL 级别的日志。更严重的问题,软件没能执行一些功能。
CRITICAL : 打印 CRITICAL 级别。一个严重的错误,表明程序本身可能无法继续运行。
/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/strong/git_workspace/MonoGRNet/test.py 2019-06-26 16:00:45,990 - root - DEBUG - This is a debug message. 2019-06-26 16:00:45,990 - root - INFO - This is an info message. 2019-06-26 16:00:45,990 - root - WARNING - This is a warning message. 2019-06-26 16:00:45,990 - root - ERROR - This is an error message. 2019-06-26 16:00:45,990 - root - CRITICAL - This is a critical message. Process finished with exit code 0
2. 日志输出到文件
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import logging import os.path import time logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) time_line = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime(time.time())) print(os.getcwd()) log_path = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) + '/' logfile = log_path + time_line + '.log' handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile, mode='w') handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] - %(levelname)s: %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.debug('This is a debug message.') logger.info('This is an info message.') logger.warning('This is a warning message.') logger.error('This is an error message.') logger.critical('This is a critical message.')
/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/strong/git_workspace/MonoGRNet/test.py /home/strong/git_workspace/MonoGRNet Process finished with exit code 0
2019-06-26 16:27:26,899 - test.py[line:30] - INFO: This is an info message. 2019-06-26 16:27:26,899 - test.py[line:31] - WARNING: This is a warning message. 2019-06-26 16:27:26,899 - test.py[line:32] - ERROR: This is an error message. 2019-06-26 16:27:26,899 - test.py[line:33] - CRITICAL: This is a critical message.
3. 日志同时输出到屏幕和文件
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import logging import os.path import time logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG) time_line = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime(time.time())) print(os.getcwd()) log_path = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) + '/' logfile = log_path + time_line + '.log' handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile, mode='w') handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] - %(levelname)s: %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.WARNING) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.addHandler(console) logger.debug('This is a debug message.') logger.info('This is an info message.') logger.warning('This is a warning message.') logger.error('This is an error message.') logger.critical('This is a critical message.')
/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/strong/git_workspace/MonoGRNet/test.py /home/strong/git_workspace/MonoGRNet This is a warning message. This is an error message. This is a critical message. Process finished with exit code 0
2019-06-26 16:36:38,385 - test.py[line:34] - INFO: This is an info message. 2019-06-26 16:36:38,385 - test.py[line:35] - WARNING: This is a warning message. 2019-06-26 16:36:38,385 - test.py[line:36] - ERROR: This is an error message. 2019-06-26 16:36:38,385 - test.py[line:37] - CRITICAL: This is a critical message.
以上这篇Python 实现日志同时输出到屏幕和文件就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持。
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