复制代码 代码如下:
' FileName: SoftwareMeteringCLS.vbs
' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
If (WScript.ScriptName = "SoftwareMeteringCLS.vbs") Then Call demo_SoftwareMeteringCLS()
' ====================================================================
Function getSoftwareList(sHost)
' Callable by *.wsf; will return list (safe array) of installed
' software on the sHost system (sHost is ComputerName or IP address).
' The assumption is that sHost is available and has WMI installed.
Set oSoftMeter = new SoftwareMeteringCLS
sProgsAry = oSoftMeter.getList(sHost)
Set oSpftMeter = Nothing
getSoftwareList = sProgsAry
End Function
' ====================== CLASS =======================================
Class SoftwareMeteringCLS
' Author: Branimir Petrovic
' Date: 6 Sept 2002
' Version: 1.0.3
' Revision History:
' 30 March 2002 V 1.0.0
' 08 April 2002 V 1.0.1
' Added error handling - if the target system is not present,
' or does not have WMI, getList(sHost) will return empty list.
' Added global function getSoftwareList(sHost) to be used
' from *.wsf scripts when caller script is JScript (since
' JScript can not instantiate VBS classes directly).
' 21 April 2002 V 1.0.2
' Replacing "[" with "(" and "]" with ")" in "DisplayName"
' Some strings like: [See Q311401 for more information]
' can cause troubles, therefore replacement.
' 6 Sept 2002 V 1.0.3
' Win2K's SP3 for Windows 2000 introduced slight (but silent)
' 'improvement' in a way registry provder's EnumValues method
' deals with empty keys. EnumValues method called against
' keys without any values (except the Default, empty value)
' will now return Null value (previously array of size 0 was
' returned). Added (previously unneeded) type checking...
' Dependancies:
' WSH 5.6
' Methods:
' - getClassName()
' - getVersion()
' - getList(sHost) sHost parameter can be computer name or IP address
' Enumerates all subkeys in:
' "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
' Returns array of strings, each string item containing:
' "DisplayNameKeyValue[ --Version: DisplayVersionKeyValue]"
' If sHost parameter is empty string or non-string value,
' function returns list of installed software on this host.
' Otherwise it will connect to host pointed to by sHost string
' (provided sufficient level of permissions)
' - getHostString() Returns name of the system or IP address
' --- Private data members
Private HKLM ' Points to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive
Private UNINSTALL_ROOT ' Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
Private SUPRESS_HOTFIX_ENTRIES ' By default is TRUE (set in Class_Initialize)
' (supressess listing of installed hotfixes)
Private REG_SZ
Private oReg
Private sComputerName
' --- Public
Public Function getClassName()
getClassName = CLASS_NAME
End Function
Public Function getVersion()
getVersion = VERSION
End Function
Public Function getList(sHost)
If TypeName(sHost)="String" AND sHost<>"" Then
sComputerName = sHost
sComputerName = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network").ComputerName
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//" &_
sComputerName & "/root/default:StdRegProv")
If Err.Number<>0 Then
' Computer is not accessable or does not have WMI, return empty array
getList = Array()
' Computer is on the network and does have working WMI,
' return the list (safe array) of installed software
getList = listInstalledProgs(oReg)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Public Function getHostString()
getHostString = sComputerName
End Function
' --- Private helper routines
Private Sub Class_Initialize
' Initialize various values used by this class
HKLM = &H80000002 ' Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
UNINSTALL_ROOT = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
REG_SZ = 1
CLASS_NAME = "SoftwareMeteringCLS"
VERSION = "1.0.3"
End Sub
Private Function listInstalledProgs(oReg)
' returns array of strings DisplayName & " " & DisplayVersion
Dim oRegX, nCnt, sSubKeysAry, sProgName
Dim sProgsAry(): ReDim sProgsAry(1)
sSubKeysAry = getKeys(oReg, HKLM, UNINSTALL_ROOT)
' Supress looking into all hot fix related sub keys (like Q252795, etc...)
Set oRegX = new RegExp
oRegX.Pattern = "^Q\d+$" ' will detect patterns like: Q252795
oRegX.IgnoreCase = true
For nCnt = 0 To UBound(sSubKeysAry)
If NOT oRegX.Test(sSubKeysAry(nCnt)) Then
sProgName = getProgNameAndVersion(oReg, HKLM, _
UNINSTALL_ROOT & "\" & sSubKeysAry(nCnt))
If NOT (IsEmpty(sProgName) OR sProgName="") Then
If NOT IsEmpty(sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry) - 1)) Then
ReDim Preserve sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry)+1)
End If
sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry)-1) = sProgName
End If
End If
' List all sub keys including hotfix related ones (like Q252795, etc...)
For nCnt = 0 To UBound(sSubKeysAry)
sProgName = getProgNameAndVersion(oReg, HKLM, _
UNINSTALL_ROOT & "\" & sSubKeysAry(nCnt))
If NOT (IsEmpty(sProgName) OR sProgName="") Then
If NOT IsEmpty(sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry) - 1)) Then
ReDim Preserve sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry)+1)
End If
sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry)-1) = sProgName
End If
End If
listInstalledProgs = sProgsAry
End Function
Private Function getKeys(oReg, HIVE, sKeyRoot)
' Returns array of strings of subkey names
Dim vKeysAry
Call oReg.EnumKey(HIVE, sKeyRoot, vKeysAry)
getKeys = vKeysAry ' >
End Function
Private Function getProgNameAndVersion(oReg, HIVE, sKeyRoot)
' If both values "DisplayName" and "DisplayVersion" exist in sKeyRoot, return:
' "DisplayNameKeyValue --Version: DisplayVersionKeyValue"
' If only "DisplayName" exists, return:
' "DisplayNameKeyValue"
' Otherwise EMPTY is returned
Dim sKeyValuesAry, iKeyTypesAry, nCnt, sValue, sDisplayName, sDisplayVersion
oReg.EnumValues HIVE, sKeyRoot, sKeyValuesAry, iKeyTypesAry 'fill the arrays
' 6 Sept 2002
' SP3 for Win2K altered behavior of registry provider's EnumValues method!
' EnumValues method after SP3 does not return empty array any more for all
' those registry keys that have only empty Default value.
' Therefore sKeyValuesAry must be tested to see if it is an array or not.
If NOT IsArray(sKeyValuesAry) Then
Exit Function ' ' >
End If
For nCnt = 0 To UBound(sKeyValuesAry)
If InStr(1, sKeyValuesAry(nCnt), "DisplayName", vbTextCompare) Then
If iKeyTypesAry(nCnt) = REG_SZ Then
oReg.GetStringValue HIVE, sKeyRoot, sKeyValuesAry(nCnt), sValue
If sValue<>"" Then
sDisplayName = sValue
sDisplayName = Replace(sDisplayName, "[", "(")
sDisplayName = Replace(sDisplayName, "]", ")")
End If
End If
ElseIf InStr(1, sKeyValuesAry(nCnt), "DisplayVersion", vbTextCompare) Then
If iKeyTypesAry(nCnt) = REG_SZ Then
oReg.GetStringValue HIVE, sKeyRoot, sKeyValuesAry(nCnt), sValue
If sValue<>"" Then sDisplayVersion = sValue
End If
End If
If (sDisplayName<>"") AND (sDisplayVersion<>"") Then
getProgNameAndVersion = sDisplayName & " --Version: " & sDisplayVersion
Exit Function ' >
End If
If sDisplayName<>"" Then
getProgNameAndVersion = sDisplayName
Exit Function ' >
End If
End Function
End Class
' ====================== END OF CLASS ================================
Function demo_SoftwareMeteringCLS()
Dim oSoftMeter, sProgsAry, sComputer
'sComputer = "W-BRANIMIR-666"
'sComputer = "W-Branimir-079"
sComputer = "" ' query local host
sProgsAry = getSoftwareList(sComputer)
Call WScript.Echo(Join(sProgsAry, vbCrLf))
End Function
' FileName: SoftwareMeteringCLS.vbs
' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
If (WScript.ScriptName = "SoftwareMeteringCLS.vbs") Then Call demo_SoftwareMeteringCLS()
' ====================================================================
Function getSoftwareList(sHost)
' Callable by *.wsf; will return list (safe array) of installed
' software on the sHost system (sHost is ComputerName or IP address).
' The assumption is that sHost is available and has WMI installed.
Set oSoftMeter = new SoftwareMeteringCLS
sProgsAry = oSoftMeter.getList(sHost)
Set oSpftMeter = Nothing
getSoftwareList = sProgsAry
End Function
' ====================== CLASS =======================================
Class SoftwareMeteringCLS
' Author: Branimir Petrovic
' Date: 6 Sept 2002
' Version: 1.0.3
' Revision History:
' 30 March 2002 V 1.0.0
' 08 April 2002 V 1.0.1
' Added error handling - if the target system is not present,
' or does not have WMI, getList(sHost) will return empty list.
' Added global function getSoftwareList(sHost) to be used
' from *.wsf scripts when caller script is JScript (since
' JScript can not instantiate VBS classes directly).
' 21 April 2002 V 1.0.2
' Replacing "[" with "(" and "]" with ")" in "DisplayName"
' Some strings like: [See Q311401 for more information]
' can cause troubles, therefore replacement.
' 6 Sept 2002 V 1.0.3
' Win2K's SP3 for Windows 2000 introduced slight (but silent)
' 'improvement' in a way registry provder's EnumValues method
' deals with empty keys. EnumValues method called against
' keys without any values (except the Default, empty value)
' will now return Null value (previously array of size 0 was
' returned). Added (previously unneeded) type checking...
' Dependancies:
' WSH 5.6
' Methods:
' - getClassName()
' - getVersion()
' - getList(sHost) sHost parameter can be computer name or IP address
' Enumerates all subkeys in:
' "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
' Returns array of strings, each string item containing:
' "DisplayNameKeyValue[ --Version: DisplayVersionKeyValue]"
' If sHost parameter is empty string or non-string value,
' function returns list of installed software on this host.
' Otherwise it will connect to host pointed to by sHost string
' (provided sufficient level of permissions)
' - getHostString() Returns name of the system or IP address
' --- Private data members
Private HKLM ' Points to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive
Private UNINSTALL_ROOT ' Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
Private SUPRESS_HOTFIX_ENTRIES ' By default is TRUE (set in Class_Initialize)
' (supressess listing of installed hotfixes)
Private REG_SZ
Private oReg
Private sComputerName
' --- Public
Public Function getClassName()
getClassName = CLASS_NAME
End Function
Public Function getVersion()
getVersion = VERSION
End Function
Public Function getList(sHost)
If TypeName(sHost)="String" AND sHost<>"" Then
sComputerName = sHost
sComputerName = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network").ComputerName
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//" &_
sComputerName & "/root/default:StdRegProv")
If Err.Number<>0 Then
' Computer is not accessable or does not have WMI, return empty array
getList = Array()
' Computer is on the network and does have working WMI,
' return the list (safe array) of installed software
getList = listInstalledProgs(oReg)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Public Function getHostString()
getHostString = sComputerName
End Function
' --- Private helper routines
Private Sub Class_Initialize
' Initialize various values used by this class
HKLM = &H80000002 ' Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
UNINSTALL_ROOT = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
REG_SZ = 1
CLASS_NAME = "SoftwareMeteringCLS"
VERSION = "1.0.3"
End Sub
Private Function listInstalledProgs(oReg)
' returns array of strings DisplayName & " " & DisplayVersion
Dim oRegX, nCnt, sSubKeysAry, sProgName
Dim sProgsAry(): ReDim sProgsAry(1)
sSubKeysAry = getKeys(oReg, HKLM, UNINSTALL_ROOT)
' Supress looking into all hot fix related sub keys (like Q252795, etc...)
Set oRegX = new RegExp
oRegX.Pattern = "^Q\d+$" ' will detect patterns like: Q252795
oRegX.IgnoreCase = true
For nCnt = 0 To UBound(sSubKeysAry)
If NOT oRegX.Test(sSubKeysAry(nCnt)) Then
sProgName = getProgNameAndVersion(oReg, HKLM, _
UNINSTALL_ROOT & "\" & sSubKeysAry(nCnt))
If NOT (IsEmpty(sProgName) OR sProgName="") Then
If NOT IsEmpty(sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry) - 1)) Then
ReDim Preserve sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry)+1)
End If
sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry)-1) = sProgName
End If
End If
' List all sub keys including hotfix related ones (like Q252795, etc...)
For nCnt = 0 To UBound(sSubKeysAry)
sProgName = getProgNameAndVersion(oReg, HKLM, _
UNINSTALL_ROOT & "\" & sSubKeysAry(nCnt))
If NOT (IsEmpty(sProgName) OR sProgName="") Then
If NOT IsEmpty(sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry) - 1)) Then
ReDim Preserve sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry)+1)
End If
sProgsAry(UBound(sProgsAry)-1) = sProgName
End If
End If
listInstalledProgs = sProgsAry
End Function
Private Function getKeys(oReg, HIVE, sKeyRoot)
' Returns array of strings of subkey names
Dim vKeysAry
Call oReg.EnumKey(HIVE, sKeyRoot, vKeysAry)
getKeys = vKeysAry ' >
End Function
Private Function getProgNameAndVersion(oReg, HIVE, sKeyRoot)
' If both values "DisplayName" and "DisplayVersion" exist in sKeyRoot, return:
' "DisplayNameKeyValue --Version: DisplayVersionKeyValue"
' If only "DisplayName" exists, return:
' "DisplayNameKeyValue"
' Otherwise EMPTY is returned
Dim sKeyValuesAry, iKeyTypesAry, nCnt, sValue, sDisplayName, sDisplayVersion
oReg.EnumValues HIVE, sKeyRoot, sKeyValuesAry, iKeyTypesAry 'fill the arrays
' 6 Sept 2002
' SP3 for Win2K altered behavior of registry provider's EnumValues method!
' EnumValues method after SP3 does not return empty array any more for all
' those registry keys that have only empty Default value.
' Therefore sKeyValuesAry must be tested to see if it is an array or not.
If NOT IsArray(sKeyValuesAry) Then
Exit Function ' ' >
End If
For nCnt = 0 To UBound(sKeyValuesAry)
If InStr(1, sKeyValuesAry(nCnt), "DisplayName", vbTextCompare) Then
If iKeyTypesAry(nCnt) = REG_SZ Then
oReg.GetStringValue HIVE, sKeyRoot, sKeyValuesAry(nCnt), sValue
If sValue<>"" Then
sDisplayName = sValue
sDisplayName = Replace(sDisplayName, "[", "(")
sDisplayName = Replace(sDisplayName, "]", ")")
End If
End If
ElseIf InStr(1, sKeyValuesAry(nCnt), "DisplayVersion", vbTextCompare) Then
If iKeyTypesAry(nCnt) = REG_SZ Then
oReg.GetStringValue HIVE, sKeyRoot, sKeyValuesAry(nCnt), sValue
If sValue<>"" Then sDisplayVersion = sValue
End If
End If
If (sDisplayName<>"") AND (sDisplayVersion<>"") Then
getProgNameAndVersion = sDisplayName & " --Version: " & sDisplayVersion
Exit Function ' >
End If
If sDisplayName<>"" Then
getProgNameAndVersion = sDisplayName
Exit Function ' >
End If
End Function
End Class
' ====================== END OF CLASS ================================
Function demo_SoftwareMeteringCLS()
Dim oSoftMeter, sProgsAry, sComputer
'sComputer = "W-BRANIMIR-666"
'sComputer = "W-Branimir-079"
sComputer = "" ' query local host
sProgsAry = getSoftwareList(sComputer)
Call WScript.Echo(Join(sProgsAry, vbCrLf))
End Function
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暴雪近日发布了《魔兽世界》10.2.6 更新内容,新游玩模式《强袭风暴》即将于3月21 日在亚服上线,届时玩家将前往阿拉希高地展开一场 60 人大逃杀对战。
艾泽拉斯的冒险者已经征服了艾泽拉斯的大地及遥远的彼岸。他们在对抗世界上最致命的敌人时展现出过人的手腕,并且成功阻止终结宇宙等级的威胁。当他们在为即将于《魔兽世界》资料片《地心之战》中来袭的萨拉塔斯势力做战斗准备时,他们还需要在熟悉的阿拉希高地面对一个全新的敌人──那就是彼此。在《巨龙崛起》10.2.6 更新的《强袭风暴》中,玩家将会进入一个全新的海盗主题大逃杀式限时活动,其中包含极高的风险和史诗级的奖励。
《强袭风暴》不是普通的战场,作为一个独立于主游戏之外的活动,玩家可以用大逃杀的风格来体验《魔兽世界》,不分职业、不分装备(除了你在赛局中捡到的),光是技巧和战略的强弱之分就能决定出谁才是能坚持到最后的赢家。本次活动将会开放单人和双人模式,玩家在加入海盗主题的预赛大厅区域前,可以从强袭风暴角色画面新增好友。游玩游戏将可以累计名望轨迹,《巨龙崛起》和《魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒 经典版》的玩家都可以获得奖励。
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