要使用自定义的resource provider,需要2个步骤:
a) 修改web.config 文件,以便系统使用自定义的资源提供者
b) 建立自定义资源提供者类,最少包括3个:
2.ResourceProvider,实现IResourceProvider,IImplicitResourceProvider,IwwResourceProvider 接口.
3.ResourceReader 实现IResourceReader.
修改web.config 文件,以使用自定义的资源提供者。
复制代码 代码如下:
<globalization resourceProviderFactoryType="Westwind.Globalization.DbSimpleResourceProviderFactory,Westwind.Globalization" />
复制代码 代码如下:
public class DbSimpleResourceProviderFactory : ResourceProviderFactory
public override IResourceProvider CreateGlobalResourceProvider(string classname)
return new DbSimpleResourceProvider(null, classname);
public override IResourceProvider CreateLocalResourceProvider(string virtualPath)
string ResourceSetName = DbResourceConfiguration.Current.StripVirtualPath(virtualPath);
return new DbSimpleResourceProvider(null,ResourceSetName.ToLower());
复制代码 代码如下:
public class DbSimpleResourceProvider : IResourceProvider, IImplicitResourceProvider
private string _ResourceSetName;
private IDictionary _resourceCache;
private DbSimpleResourceProvider()
{ }
public DbSimpleResourceProvider(string virtualPath, string className)
_ResourceSetName = className;
private IDictionary GetResourceCache(string cultureName)
if (cultureName == null)
cultureName = "";
if (this._resourceCache == null)
this._resourceCache = new ListDictionary();
IDictionary Resources = this._resourceCache[cultureName] as IDictionary;
if (Resources == null)
// *** DEPENDENCY HERE (#1): Using DbResourceDataManager to retrieve resources
// *** Use datamanager to retrieve the resource keys from the database
DbResourceDataManager Data = new DbResourceDataManager();
Resources = Data.GetResourceSet(cultureName as string, this._ResourceSetName);
this._resourceCache[cultureName] = Resources;
return Resources;
public void ClearResourceCache()
object IResourceProvider.GetObject(string ResourceKey, CultureInfo Culture)
string CultureName = null;
if (Culture != null)
CultureName = Culture.Name;
CultureName = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name;
return this.GetObjectInternal(ResourceKey, CultureName);
object GetObjectInternal(string ResourceKey, string CultureName)
IDictionary Resources = this.GetResourceCache(CultureName);
object value = null;
if (Resources == null)
value = null;
value = Resources[ResourceKey];
// *** If we're at a specific culture (en-Us) and there's no value fall back
// *** to the generic culture (en)
if (value == null && CultureName.Length > 3)
// *** try again with the 2 letter locale
return GetObjectInternal(ResourceKey,CultureName.Substring(0,2) );
// *** If the value is still null get the invariant value
if (value == null)
Resources = this.GetResourceCache("");
if (Resources == null)
value = null;
value = Resources[ResourceKey];
// *** If the value is still null and we're at the invariant culture
// *** let's add a marker that the value is missing
// *** this also allows the pre-compiler to work and never return null
if (value == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CultureName))
// *** No entry there
value = "";
// *** DEPENDENCY HERE (#2): using DbResourceConfiguration and DbResourceDataManager to optionally
// add missing resource keys
// *** Add a key in the repository at least for the Invariant culture
// *** Something's referencing but nothing's there
if (DbResourceConfiguration.Current.AddMissingResources)
new DbResourceDataManager().AddResource(ResourceKey, value.ToString(), "", this._ResourceSetName);
return value;
复制代码 代码如下:
public class DbSimpleResourceReader : IResourceReader
private IDictionary _resources;
public DbSimpleResourceReader(IDictionary resources)
_resources = resources;
IDictionaryEnumerator IResourceReader.GetEnumerator()
return _resources.GetEnumerator();
void IResourceReader.Close()
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return _resources.GetEnumerator();
void IDisposable.Dispose()
要使用自定义的resource provider,需要2个步骤:
a) 修改web.config 文件,以便系统使用自定义的资源提供者
b) 建立自定义资源提供者类,最少包括3个:
2.ResourceProvider,实现IResourceProvider,IImplicitResourceProvider,IwwResourceProvider 接口.
3.ResourceReader 实现IResourceReader.
修改web.config 文件,以使用自定义的资源提供者。
复制代码 代码如下:
<globalization resourceProviderFactoryType="Westwind.Globalization.DbSimpleResourceProviderFactory,Westwind.Globalization" />
复制代码 代码如下:
public class DbSimpleResourceProviderFactory : ResourceProviderFactory
public override IResourceProvider CreateGlobalResourceProvider(string classname)
return new DbSimpleResourceProvider(null, classname);
public override IResourceProvider CreateLocalResourceProvider(string virtualPath)
string ResourceSetName = DbResourceConfiguration.Current.StripVirtualPath(virtualPath);
return new DbSimpleResourceProvider(null,ResourceSetName.ToLower());
复制代码 代码如下:
public class DbSimpleResourceProvider : IResourceProvider, IImplicitResourceProvider
private string _ResourceSetName;
private IDictionary _resourceCache;
private DbSimpleResourceProvider()
{ }
public DbSimpleResourceProvider(string virtualPath, string className)
_ResourceSetName = className;
private IDictionary GetResourceCache(string cultureName)
if (cultureName == null)
cultureName = "";
if (this._resourceCache == null)
this._resourceCache = new ListDictionary();
IDictionary Resources = this._resourceCache[cultureName] as IDictionary;
if (Resources == null)
// *** DEPENDENCY HERE (#1): Using DbResourceDataManager to retrieve resources
// *** Use datamanager to retrieve the resource keys from the database
DbResourceDataManager Data = new DbResourceDataManager();
Resources = Data.GetResourceSet(cultureName as string, this._ResourceSetName);
this._resourceCache[cultureName] = Resources;
return Resources;
public void ClearResourceCache()
object IResourceProvider.GetObject(string ResourceKey, CultureInfo Culture)
string CultureName = null;
if (Culture != null)
CultureName = Culture.Name;
CultureName = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name;
return this.GetObjectInternal(ResourceKey, CultureName);
object GetObjectInternal(string ResourceKey, string CultureName)
IDictionary Resources = this.GetResourceCache(CultureName);
object value = null;
if (Resources == null)
value = null;
value = Resources[ResourceKey];
// *** If we're at a specific culture (en-Us) and there's no value fall back
// *** to the generic culture (en)
if (value == null && CultureName.Length > 3)
// *** try again with the 2 letter locale
return GetObjectInternal(ResourceKey,CultureName.Substring(0,2) );
// *** If the value is still null get the invariant value
if (value == null)
Resources = this.GetResourceCache("");
if (Resources == null)
value = null;
value = Resources[ResourceKey];
// *** If the value is still null and we're at the invariant culture
// *** let's add a marker that the value is missing
// *** this also allows the pre-compiler to work and never return null
if (value == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CultureName))
// *** No entry there
value = "";
// *** DEPENDENCY HERE (#2): using DbResourceConfiguration and DbResourceDataManager to optionally
// add missing resource keys
// *** Add a key in the repository at least for the Invariant culture
// *** Something's referencing but nothing's there
if (DbResourceConfiguration.Current.AddMissingResources)
new DbResourceDataManager().AddResource(ResourceKey, value.ToString(), "", this._ResourceSetName);
return value;
复制代码 代码如下:
public class DbSimpleResourceReader : IResourceReader
private IDictionary _resources;
public DbSimpleResourceReader(IDictionary resources)
_resources = resources;
IDictionaryEnumerator IResourceReader.GetEnumerator()
return _resources.GetEnumerator();
void IResourceReader.Close()
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return _resources.GetEnumerator();
void IDisposable.Dispose()
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